September 18, 2023
Reading time
5 min

Online reputation management for hotels: 6 tips for a positive online reputation

Why a positive reputation on the Internet is important for hotels

Compared to other consumers, travellers do not have the opportunity to try an accommodation before booking. As the Internet makes it possible to share feedback about a hotel stay with the world, online reputation becomes a powerful sales and marketing tool.

"Reviews are relevant" and "trust in them is high," Tripadvisor says in reference to its own study on online reviews. According to the study, 81 percent of potential guests always or often read reviews before booking accommodation. And: 79 percent are more likely to book a hotel with a higher rating and 52 percent would never choose a hotel without a rating. According to the study, 78 percent of respondents read the most recent feedback.

These numbers paint a clear picture: guest reviews and feedback are critical. They should be an integral part of your marketing and sales strategy. A stellar online reputation not only builds trust in your brand but also spotlights your hotel's quality, setting you apart from the competition

6 tips for successful online reputation management

In the long term, a positive online reputation can increase the visibility of your hotel, strengthen the bond with your guests and lead to more bookings. Online reputation management (ORM) is a way to manage your online reputation. It involves checking review sites, getting feedback from guests, and responding to reviews. Responding to feedback makes your guests feel appreciated and more likely to come back. 

Key actions to consider in your ORM strategy: 

Check review portals and respond to guest feedback

Check reviews about your hotel regularly on major review platforms such as TripAdvisor, and Google Reviews to learn what guests are saying about your hotel. Social listening tools help you find reviews about your hotel. This will help you keep track of what guests think and respond quickly to both positive and negative guest experiences. Show your appreciation for their valuable input and show that you respect their thoughts and opinions. In case of negative feedback, it is important to apologise and offer solutions.

Be active on social media

Social media is becoming increasingly important as a source of information for travellers, and users expect a hotel to provide up-to-date information and interact with its guests. If you don’t keep up with your social media channels and audiences, guests can quickly lose interest in your hotel. Be engaged, listen to your guests, respond to feedback and build a loyal audience.

Improve your hotel offering continuously

Feedback from your guests can help you keep improving your hotel and amenities. This will show that your hotel is responsive to guests' needs, desires and suggestions for improvement.

Encourage your guests to leave a review

Actively encourage your guests to leave reviews. For example, you can address them personally at check-out or send them an email after their stay with words of thanks for visiting the hotel. You should always share positive reviews on your social media channels to encourage others to. Also, share positive reviews on your social media channels to leave a review of their own.

A good idea would be to start with a feedback survey before asking for a guest review. Find out how satisfied your guests were with their stay at your hotel. This will give you honest feedback and give your team a chance to address any issues before submitting a public online review. Share positive reviews on your social channels to inspire others to chime in.

Present your hotel online in a positive way

Keep your hotel website and social media presence up to date - with high-quality photos as well as understandable information and a smooth, straightforward booking process. Offer various contact options such as email, phone, messenger, and live chat so that your website visitors can easily connect with you. 

Optimise your hotel website for search engines

Follow best SEO practices when designing and creating content for your hotel website, such as providing user-friendly navigation, placing information such as accommodation rates and availability so that it is easy to find, using keywords relevant to your target audiences, optimising your website for mobile devices, and targeting content so that your website appears high in search results. It's important to continuously work on your hotel's visibility online and provide a positive user experience for your website visitors. A well-thought-out SEO strategy is an essential component of your online reputation.

Your online reputation holds the key to attracting guests and boosting bookings. To succeed, actively monitor reviews, engage with feedback, make improvements, maintain a strong online presence, and encourage guests to share their experiences. By doing so, you can craft a positive hotel image that drives more bookings and keeps guests coming back for more.