Translating Hotel Tech Antwerp
Are you sometimes overwhelmed by all the new tech terms flying around in the hospitality world? SEO, SEA, AI, automated revenue management, MinLos, TikTok engagement, keyless entry—do you hear them but only understand half of what they mean? Don’t worry anymore!
This fall, we are bringing Translating Hotel Tech to Antwerp to bridge the gap between hoteliers and technology. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting to explore hotel tech, our event is designed to help you understand, integrate, and leverage these tools to your advantage. Let’s simplify the tech world for hoteliers, and make sure technology speaks your language!
RoomPriceGenie, myhotelshop, BusyRooms & Lobbi PMS would love to see you on the 24th in Antwerp for our hoteliers-only event: Translating Hotel Tech! This is your chance to dive into the most urgent topics in the BeNeLux hospitality sector in a unique, interactive session.