May 8, 2024
Reading time
3 min

How artificial intelligence can support you in hotel marketing

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer science fiction and has found its way into our daily lives. From voice assistants and intelligent search algorithms to personalised recommendations but AI is revolutionising the way we interact with technology. But how can AI be used specifically in hotel marketing? We take a look at how AI can optimise and improve marketing in the hotel industry.

  • Chatbots and virtual assistants

Chatbots on the website or in mobile apps can respond quickly to guest enquiries, take bookings or make recommendations. These automated assistants are available around the clock.

Example: A guest wants to book a table in a restaurant via the hotel website. The chatbot can not only make the reservation, but also ask for additional information about any allergies or special requests.

  • Improving the guest experience

AI can help to improve the guest experience in hotels. For example, intelligent systems can analyse guests' preferences and behavioural patterns and make personalised recommendations for activities, restaurants or room options. As a result, guests are more satisfied and it increases the likelihood that they will choose the hotel again in the future or recommend it to others.

Example: If a guest favours vegetarian dishes the AI could recommend restaurants with vegetarian cuisine.

  • Reputation management

AI can support online reputation management by monitoring social media platforms and review sites. It can automatically respond to reviews or send notifications about important developments. 

Example: AI can be used to formulate responses to reviews on portals. The guest receives a meaningful and appreciative response, while the hotel can save valuable time.

  • Effective data analysis

Hotels generate a huge amount of data, be it through bookings, guest feedback or social media. AI can efficiently analyse this data and provide valuable insights. Hotels can use these insights to improve their services, identify potential problem areas and better cater to the needs of their guests.

Example: If AI analysis reveals that guests frequently complain about slow check-in times, the hotel can set up self-check-in kiosks or improve staffing levels during peak times. This proactive approach not only addresses guest criticism, but also contributes to a smoother, more enjoyable stay.

  • Content generation

Think of AI as your new writing partner. With the help of AI assistants, hoteliers can create a large part of the content for websites, social media or adverts themselves. It also helps to translate content and therefore you can reach wider audiences. This saves an enormous amount of time and also costs for external copywriters. But be careful: you cannot leave the writing of the texts entirely to the AI. The human element is still essential to the writing process - from guiding the AI assistant to checking and ensuring the quality of the result. 

Example: You want to generate a social media post. With the right question, the AI supports you in creating the text. 

When using AI in hotel marketing, it is crucial to carefully analyse the provided solutions before taking action. Although AI enables powerful analyses and predictions, it cannot replace human intuition and creativity. Ultimately, the key to the successful use of AI in hotel marketing lies in a balanced integration of technology and human expertise.