February 22, 2022
Reading time
3 min

Great website, but no visitors? Here’s how to position your hotel website perfectly!

SEO includes:

  • Creating your own and appropriate keywords (also called search terms)
  • Optimizing the speed of your website 
  • Including relevant meta descriptions.

Correctly positioning your hotel website on the internet is very important, because it is hard to compete against the likes of and other big distribution platforms, which always achieve great rankings and therefore get a lot of traffic. To succeed against them, it is essential that you perform SEO for your own hotel website. If you have a Sitejet website with myhotelshop, you can choose between two different SEO packages:

Our SEO Basic Package

The SEO Basic Package fulfils the normal standards for a website to appear as high as possible in the search query results. This means that:

  • Each page has a “meta title”: this is the title that is set for each individual page of a website
  • Each page gets a “meta description”: this is a short description of what the page is about, which is displayed on Google
  • All images get “alt texts” (alternative texts)
  • A 404 page is created. This is an error page that is displayed if the page the customer is looking for cannot be found.

In addition, we’ll generally optimize the speed of your website. The SEO Basic Package is suitable for clients who want to have a website that covers the basics in SEO.

For those who would like to go beyond that – with a detailed analysis and an even better search result rankings – we recommend our SEO Premium Package. 

Our SEO Premium Package

Here we carry out an analysis with an SEO tool (a program that supports search engine optimization) and advise the hotel in the area of keywords. This includes for which keywords the hotel would like to appear in the search query. Furthermore, we examine the respective subpages, asking ourselves which keywords make sense there. Where services offered in the basic package are merely standardized, these will be individualized in the premium package and tailored to your hotel. This means that you get individual descriptions, meta titles and keywords for all of your subpages. We’ll also prepare individualized alt texts for all your images and give you a general SEO consultation with one of the myhotelshop team. Once we have completely overhauled your website SEO, we perform a website check to determine how well the website is positioned in terms of SEO. We also check the page for duplicate descriptions, missing alt texts, etc. It should be noted that we cannot guarantee a specific positioning, because various external factors play a role here. 

Our SEO Premium Package is suitable for:

  • Hotels that in addition to their website want to have subpages on a specific topic (spa, golf, restaurant, conferences, ...) that should achieve good results in search queries. 
  • Hotels that want to position themselves well even without ads (please note that this is not comparable with portals such as, Trivago, Tripadvisor, HRS and so on. It also always depends on the competition in the particular region).
  • Hotels that would like to take advantage of an SEO consultation for their new website.

Do you have further questions or are you interested in SEO optimization? Then please feel free to contact us.