April 10, 2020
Reading time
2 min

#myhotelshopstayshome: This is what home office life looks like in the myhotelshop family!

Nearly all companies that are able to do so are sending their employees to do home office due to the current corona crisis. What is still completely new territory for many companies has long been regarded as an occasional alternative to regular office life for myhotelshop. 

However, the fact that the entire company works from home is a completely new situation for us too, and we have to get used to it first. For more than three weeks now, home office has been set up for the entire myhotelshop team and everybody decides on their own schedule. Communication is key.

But how does the new "normal" working day from home in the MHS family look like? One thing is clear: even in home office we remain true to our values! No one stays alone, we do it together! And so, without hesitation, we have created new routines that help us to continue working towards our goals with full ambition and energy. 

For example, daily online stand-up meetings are held within the various departments to bring themselves up to date and exchange on open topics. Twice a week there is also a major update on the status quo from the leadership team. Thereby, above all, one thing counts: transparency. Even in times of crisis, we communicate honestly and openly. And we don't invest freed up capacity in Netflix & Co., but use the time to train ourselves internally and to become better at what we do!

At myhotelshop we see ourselves as a family, we are there for each other, even beyond work. Lunch alone in front of the laptop? No - we have shared digital lunches! Every day, anybody who wants to join can do so via the video chat and can enjoy lunch together. 

Of course we can't miss out on the partying during the quarantine. So why not having a drink together after work via Google Hangouts and talk about the daily work madness?

Also in home office we are working hard on the beach body 2020 (now probably 2021), so that we will remain a(ttra)ctive for you! Therefore, twice a week we sweat during self-organized online sports courses and try to burn the pitted home office snacks. Thereby we like to fall back on some music suggestions, which we currently collect in a slack channel and provide a good mood for everyone.

The list is far from complete, and we are creating new ideas every day to make the current home office routine as effective and pleasant as possible. But the most important thing is that we all stand up for each other and handle the situation together in the best possible way!