September 5, 2019
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Why you should bid on your own hotel name on Google Ads

OTA’s like booking, HRS etc. have already recognized this opportunity and might even bid on your name. Why not test it right now and convince yourself.

But first, what is a brand campaign on Google Ads?

A brand campaign entails placing a Google Ad for your own brand, in the case of hotels, their own hotel name. If someone is looking for “Hotel Venezia Malcesine” for example then the first thing you see at the top of the Google Ads placements would be the hotel’s own placement, then booking and only then the generic search results.

What happens if you don’t bid on your own hotel name?

The place for your ad on one of the world’s leargest search engines would be entirely available to the OTA‘s.

Best case would be for the guest to book your hotel via the OTA’s. But then you have to pay commission and the revenue will not be completely yours like it would be with bookings via your own website. Worst case would be for the guest to decide on one of the many other hotels offered on or another OTA. Quite often the guest doesn’t end up on the hotel’s own website when clicking on a placement of an OTA but on the results list of the city. One has to understand that it doesn’t matter to the provider which hotel gets booked but that it happens on their platform.

In this case you are losing the opportunity to draw the interested guest to your own website in a relatively easy and favorable manner.

And what does it look like to place a brand campaign?

If someone is typing your hotel name in Google’s search field then your placement will at best appear at the top above all other placements of the OTA’s.

Should your placement be at the top then you have the possibility to use four so-called “Site Link Extensions”. This means you can market four areas of your offer more detailed and specifically place your hotel’s USPs. At the same time this means less space for competing placements since Google offers only a limited space for ads. This way you kill two birds with one stone.

In the end the numbers say everything. Our hotel brand campaigns are showing conversion rates of an average of 2,4%. Whereas the cost ratio of 8% is way below the OTA’s.

A brand campaign helps you to draw all the guests meant for your hotel to your own website. A cost-efficient investment.

Still not convinces? We will gladly consult you on 0341 / 392 816 751 or write us an e-mail to or you are interested for other possibilities to increase your direct bookings  then feel free to call us any time on 0341 / 392 816 751 or write us an e-mail to – we will gladly consult you!